Chaey Lee (b. 1998)
A media artist and researcher pursuing a master’s degree in Art Theory at Hongik University.
The focus of research lies in posthumanism and the autonomy of informatized bodies,
exploring the possibility of human reconstitution through digital code based on interest in bio-medical fields.
Through this interdisciplinary research, proposed a new theoretical framework
called ‘Infoborg,’ which combines posthuman with capitalism.
Creates experimental media art using Unreal Engine and pursues literary
endeavors to materialize the Infoborg discourse,
critically examining the transformation of humanity, corporeality, and the meaning of life
within accelerating digital technology and capitalist systems.
Strives to present new paradigms for contemporary society through these endeavors.
홍익대학교 예술학과 석사과정에서 연구 중인 미디어아티스트이자 연구자이다.
포스트휴머니즘과 정보화된 신체의 자율성을 주제로 연구하며,
바이오-메디컬 분야에 대한 관심을 바탕으로 디지털 코드로 재구성되는 인간의 존재론적 가능성을 탐구한다.
이러한 학제간 연구를 통해 포스트휴먼과 자본주의의 결합을 ‘인포보그(Infoborg)’라는
새로운 이론적 프레임워크로 제시했다.
언리얼 엔진을 활용한 실험적 미디어아트 작품과 문학적 시도를 통해 인포보그 담론을 구현하며,
가속화되는 디지털 기술과 자본주의 체제 속에서 변모하는
인간성, 신체성, 그리고 생명의 의미를 비평적으로 고찰한다.
이를 통해 동시대 사회의 새로운 패러다임을 제시하는 데 주력하고 있다.

Proposing the Infoborg Concept
Building upon the foundation of posthuman discourse,
I introduced the concept of the Infoborg,
which redefines human identity as an informational and autonomous entity.
The Infoborg bridges life sciences and digital technologies,
envisioning a future where the boundaries of the human body, selfhood,
and autonomy are reimagined in an era of datafication and cybernetic systems.
Research and Creative Practice
I am currently expanding the Infoborg concept through interdisciplinary approaches, which include:
Fiction Writing:
- Crafting speculative narratives that explore dystopian futures shaped by genetic editing, digital autonomy, and societal stratification.
- Creating immersive visual environments and characters that embody the Infoborg’s principles, translating theoretical frameworks into digital art.
- Publishing in international journals and contributing to the posthuman discourse by connecting theory with practice.
- Investigating the social and philosophical implications of technological mediation and digital identity.